It is Time to F-Around

Last week my girlfriend suggested a picnic in the park. Not just any grab an old blanket and some sandwiches picnic, but a NO KIDS ALLOWED mamas-only evening picnic by the water.

This started to conjure up images of flouncy dresses, sun hats and parasols (or perhaps that was my binge-watching of Downton Abbey – LOVE their outfits!). The idea romanticized in my imagination. Then I turned to menu planning, deviled-eggs, boiled baby potatoes, peach cobbler – YES peach cobbler! Whoa Nelly!

Now I am all for a classy picnic in the park and all for making it spectacularly fun, but I had to pause and wonder, aside from the novelty of it, why was this jazzing me up so much?

Well the answer is quite simple really: the F-word

Not that one, the other one – the little three lettered one that seems to get pushed to the way-side, that falls to the bottom of our to-do list. That three lettered word that is reserved for the kids or scheduled in for next month, only to be stomped out by that nasty bigger, more domineering TEN lettered work: O-B-L-I-G-A-T-I-O-N or his pushy cousin S-H-O-U-L-D.

I’m talking about:


Where has it gone? When did it become something we forget about? Something we feel guilty about? Or something that gets linked in with a ‘should’ like exercise or eating right?

I’m talking about unbridled pure joyful Fun for the sake of Fun.

I was so jazzed up about the picnic because I was sorely missing fun in my life. Sure I was watching Downton Abbey every night, which is enjoyable, but not really fun. Sure I was going for awesome bike rides along the riverbank, but it wasn’t fun in its own right…I had forgone pure just-for-me FUN for all of my to-dos, obligations and shoulds.

So damn right I am going to have a BLAST on this picnic, but more importantly I am going to start looking for ways to reincorporate fun into my life everyday. I am going to put on my fav tunes and sing at the top of my lungs. I am going to have a private dance party in the middle of the afternoon, I am going to call up my girlfriend and have a long uninterrupted chat. These are the little things I can do everyday to ensure that I don’t get so f’ing depleted and dim down my life.

Because, go figure, when I am having fun, I am more fun to be around. It is contagious – I am happier, my husband is happier and my kids are happier.

What does fun look like for you? How often are you having fun? Drop me a note in the comments below and tell me how you are going to amp up your fun quotient every day.

Until next time,

Keep Calm and Shine On,

maria 🙂
spanish to english

Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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