From Earth to Fire with Love

Dear Fire,

I want you to know that I appreciate your ability to get things done, to light up a room and to passionately motivate those around you. I am in awe of your capacity to go go go and set forth on a mission with abandon and determination. Your ability to create and actualize is magnificent.

I also understand that your drive sometimes comes from a less than authentic place. From your need to be recognized and revered. Sometimes this can lead you to a complicated and confusing sense of superiority. It can also lead you to burn out and frustration.

I am writing to remind you of how I can help. I am Earth. I am nurturing and tender. I can hold the space and anchor you while you whip up a glorious frenzy. I am here to remind you that you are good enough just as you are and always loved whether you produce and generate and create or not. I am compassion and understanding and my energy runs deep. I am the Yin to your Yang. If ever you feel inadequate, remember I’ve got your back.

Love Earth.


We are all multi-faceted and those of us who tend to move quickly sometimes feel uncomfortable in a space that requires us to slow down, be patient and reflective (this is where I raise my hand up with fervor and enthusiasm). What we need to remember, (what I need to remember), is that we are all multi-dimentional. We all have the capacity to be firery and creative (fire) or nurturing and loving (earth); to be analytical and decisive (metal), determined and stoic (wood) or fluid and carefree (water).

The key to transitioning between all of these qualities is grace and awareness. The wisdom to take a step back, pause and breathe. I can attest first hand that this is no small feat, especially as a firery personality. The same would be true for a more laid back soul who is asked to pick up the pace a little and produce. Or any of us for that matter when we are called to operate outside of our comfort zone.

When I pause I can take stock of my emotions and my inner turmoil – what is going on? What do I need?

As I shared in another post, I recently moved across the country. I had a full-tilt schedule that I was reveling in. I LOVED IT. The challenge, the variety, the sense of accomplishment. Once we moved, it all came to a screeching halt and I had the task of unpacking and settling myself and my kids into a new reality. I was in a royal snit. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I worked away diligently sorting and purging and organizing, but I was irritated that I wasn’t ‘accomplishing’ on the outside. I felt lost and without an anchor.

I reached out and went for an Eden Energy Medicine session (to learn more about Eden Energy Medicine and my services click here. I wanted to get out of this snit and get my old fire back. The session was relaxing and revealing. Energy Medicine combines Chinese elemental and meridian work with chakra and aura work (and much much more!). It shifts you emotionally, physically and energetically at a very deep level, allowing for the body and soul’s natural healing ability to kick in.

After my session I felt so relaxed, snit gone. As I was chatting with the practitioner I said,

“My constitution is Fire and Earth, which sometimes leaves me feeling like I have a multiple personality disorder. I can be quick and passionate and get things done and other times I just want to sit on the couch and relax and reflect.”

But the thing was, I was hardly sitting on the couch, I was in the basement sorting and purging and organizing. I was pulling a house and home together. I was fully in my earth element, creating and holding the space for myself and my kids to transition into this new life.

The across country move required my earth qualities to kick in and my fire to dim down and take a rest (how wise!). I needed to nest and create a safe and beautiful space for us to enjoy.

After my Eden Energy Medicine session, I realized that the root of my snit was that I VALUE my firery nature over my earthy nature. I value my creative and generating side over my ability to hold the space, heal and nurture.

My snit arose out of my ego. Out of my childhood conditioning. Good girl, you got an A! You are top of your class! You won the band competition! (I wasn’t the sporty type). You lost weight! You got a job!

I allowed my sense of self worth to be driven by my external achievements.

So when I was faced with a situation where my external achievements came to a screeching halt I suddenly felt ‘lazy’ and ‘selfish’ and a little depressed.

This realization was awe-inspiring. I was so grateful for this insight and another step forward on my evolutionary path.

I shared my insights with a friend over dinner and she said, ‘Actually it is your earthy qualities that I enjoy most about you. You are peaceful and nurturing and I like the slower feeling I experience around you’. Huh. How about that (a little external recognition never hurts! :)).

I am a yoga teacher and I draw deeply on my earth qualities when I teach, I also draw upon them when I parent or when I am supporting a friend or loved one. I know this. I just forget to apply it to myself.

So next time you find yourself whipped up in a me-bashing frenzied snit, pause for a moment and breathe. Ask yourself, ‘What is going on? Why am I agitated, what is being triggered in me? Am I outside of my comfort zone? What is it that I am missing?’ This just may give you a little more insight into who you are and what makes you tick.

If you are interested in learning more about Eden Energy Medicine and your elemental constitution, drop me a line and I’d be happy to answer your questions.

In the meantime, in the comments below share with me some of your insights and thoughts about what happens to you when you are outside of your comfort zone. What do you do to handle it? What did you learn?

Until next time,

Keep Calm and Shine On.

Maria 🙂translate english french

Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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