I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, oh my stomach is in knots! As I hold my breath I take a peek and check the balance in my bank account. In the next room the kids are pounding on each other and fighting because..never mind why, I’ve given up trying to understand. I feel my irritation swell and before I know it I am yelling at them to be nice and kind to each other as I tear the toys out of their hands. I collect myself and sigh as I look around at the mess that I have to either coerce them into tidying or just do it myself because getting them to do it would be too much effort. I just want to crawl under the blankets.
Once the kids are in bed my husband and I look lovingly into each others eyes, we are so connected, this time is ours, we lean in towards one another and – oh wait, that’s not my life. Damn Netflix. Right I have shut out the world with tv or red wine or that all natural caramel corn that is oh so addictive…where is my husband anyway?
Does any of this sound familiar?!?!?
We all have some version of this happening in our lives and I can tell you in these moments I do not feel vibrant, joyful, grounded, connected or free.
But this is how I desire to feel every day in every moment, but the realities of life can easily pull me off my intended blissful track.
So what can you do?
Find the space between.
This space is where your human experience meets your divine knowing. Think Earth Girls Meets Goddess – that just might make a cool Hallowe’en costume…Anyway, I digress.
In yoga class I teach that one way to find this space is by connecting with the pause between the inhale and the exhale.
Give it a try. Close your eyes, relax your jaw and shoulders and breathe. Slow it down. Breathe in. Breathe out. What’s there? Pay Attention.
Listen. Shhhh. Listen.
In the space between there is a stillness, a moment of silence that draws all of your attention to the present moment. And in that space there is the potential to meet your divinity, your essence, your higher self, your truth, your inner wisdom, the Goddess, whatever you want to call it.
In this space your identity falls away, the shoulds disappear into the background, the mundane and the stress and all of the directions that you are pulled in disappear. They simply don’t exist in that one brief moment as you encounter the space between.
This is the essence of life.
As you develop your connection with this space, your capacity to stay present increases and you become more attuned to the bigger mythical story playing out in your life. You see that you have a choice.
I can chose to get stressed over the numbers in my bank account or I can create a strategy to manage them and feel spacious and relaxed. I can feel exhausted and irritated by my kids and yell at them or I can see them as the little people that they are in need of guidance as they sort out what it means to share, to feel and to communicate thoughts and emotions. I can drown myself in numbing substances and check out at the end of the day or I can cultivate activities that feel fun and nourishing. I can feel vibrant, joyful, connected, grounded and free. And yes sometimes I am going to chose the former and sometimes the latter. And that is OKAY because I am choosing consciously from a place of higher awareness.
If you are ready to shift how you do life and to find a deeper connection with yourself, this is a great starting point.
Breathe into the space between for just a minute or two each day. Dip your toes in and see how it feels.
Maria 🙂
For some musical inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H67uEgRZs2Y