Call in the New Year with Intention and Clarity

Visioning for the New Year Ritual

What you will need:

Journal and pen

A large bristle board


Glue or tape

Colourful pens/markers

Magazines or photos pulled from the internet

Carve out 2-3 hours, have a candle, a warm cup of tea and your journal ready.

Take a moment to drop into your body.  Massage your feet, sit comfortably and find a slow deep breath that fills your belly. Relax your shoulders and your jaw.

Bring one had to your second chakra/womb space, just below the belly button and your other hand to your fourth chakra/heart space, in the middle of you chest.  Sit and breathe for a few moment, observing the flow of your breath.

Ask yourself the following questions – say it out loud and give it a moment to resonate within you and then write down the words that come to you without overthinking it.

How do I want to feel as I move forward in 2016?

What experiences do I desire to create?

How do I want to feel in my home?

How do I want to feel in my relationships?

How do I want to feel in my work?

Use the answers to these questions as a launching point to then search for the images and words that best represent what you desire.  Cut them out and begin to arrange them onto your board.

Add any written words or symbols or images that speak to you.

Once you are done, take a step back and admire your work, honour what you have created from your soul and heart space.  Place it somewhere that it is accessible to you so see, or take a photo of it so you can refer to it every month or so.

This is the first step to creating an intentional, conscious life. 

IMG_2646Once we have the vision, we need to clear house and shift the emotional and subconscious patterns that block the well-intentioned path.

From the same connected and meditative state as described in the ritual ask yourself:

What is standing in my way of creating what I most desire?  What fears or beliefs are holding me back?

Write down whatever comes through for you and give it space to move.

Shifting the belief patterns that we hold both consciously and unconsciously is the core of my work. This is where I can support you at a very deep, meaningful and transformational level.  

If you are interested in learning more, stay tuned as I post more on this topic in the upcoming weeks.

Or if you are ready to get to work, book your Sacred Alignment appointment now:

Blessings to you as you enter 2016 and have fun visioning!

Maria 🙂

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Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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