Magical Energy Tip #2: Headache Buster

Tension head aches can really take us down the path of irritability and misery, not to mention entice us to grab for pharmaceuticals that have a depleting effect on our energy systems and are taxing to the liver.

Tension headaches often result from physical stress in the shoulders and neck and the lack of oxygen to the brain.

Try this video sequence to open the energy in the head, relax the neck and shoulders and bring more oxygen to the brain.

You can do this everyday as preventative energy medicine or as you need when you feel that headache coming on.

If you are in the throes of a full-blown headache, drink lots of water, rest and do this sequence several times.

Let me know how it goes in the comments below!

Maria 🙂

Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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