The Power of Your Words: Make Your 2018 Declaration

For several years now I have participated in a New Year ritual using the power of WORDS to bring focus and intention to what I desire to learn, release & create in a given year.

It started as a light-hearted playful experiment for a couple of years by choosing a ‘word for the year’ and then 2017 showed me how powerful a declaration of words can actually be.

Words have a resonance, a vibrational and energetic frequency. When spoken this vibration moves the air around us, it reverberates through the water within us and sends a message that we are ready to claim and hone in on the qualities these particular words hold for us.

Last year my words were Integration & Reconfiguration.

In 2017 I wanted to take all that I had been learning from others, integrate it into my Self and see how it then manifested.

What was actually true for me? It was a process of self-identification – this is mine, this is not.

I began to weigh my thoughts, actions and feelings against my Truth – does this actually hold true for me? Is this actually mine? Or am I getting caught up in what others are telling me I ‘should’ be or what is popular, trendy or acceptable. 

It was a process of becoming and of true ownership of my unique expression of voice & gifts.

The power of this one & how it played out over & over again this year surprisingly… surprised me. 

It became a process of pulling apart my life like a pile of puzzle pieces that had been haplessly thrown together, sorting out those that didn’t fit or belong to me and putting the rest back together in a way that created a true reflection of who I am (beautifully paired with the support of Integration). 

This was both painful & liberating – because I was (willingly) forced to see some very uncomfortable patterns within myself, including how I had consistently put myself into emotionally abusive and power-up/power-down relationships time and time again, without actually realizing it, because this was both normal and comfortable for me.

Once I saw this pattern (which truly just astounded me, I had no idea I was carrying this), I began to pull myself back in and create new boundaries within relationships and gave myself the space and time to nurture & heal the little girl who needed to feel safe & empowered.

And within this process I began to trust myself, creating a solid foundation within and bringing power to my voice as a tool for transformation.

The declaration of these words became revolutionary for me.

The process of Integration & Reconfiguration are not entirely complete – they will continue to reverberate and carry me through 2018, however I have opened myself to call in two other power words for myself this year, one which I will share: Sovereignty

Sovereignty feels like the natural energetic extension of the work I did for myself in 2017 & I am so curious to see how it plays out in 2018. I know it will be in awe-some and expansive ways.

The other word is still sifting through my awareness, I am trying it on for size to see if it in fact needs its own declaration and it is not yet ready to be uttered. 


If you haven’t done this practice before, I encourage you to give it a try.

Keep it simple, take a moment of stillness for yourself, perhaps have a pen and paper in hand, what would you like to learn, see, unearth and expand into in 2018? 

Try out some words, see how they land, you may know right away or you may need to take a few days or even weeks with them to see how they feel. Pick just one or two and trust they will unfold as your Soul sees fit.

And then take them deep into your heart and breathe into them.

It is that simple. 

From here, bear witness to how they unfold over time – tune into them regularly and be willing to look at the various situations, circumstances, challenges & gifts that arrive through the lens of your power words.

It is truly miraculous. 

If you have worked with power words to focalize your year, I would love to hear how they have played out and impacted your experience of 2017, please share in the comments below.

Otherwise, if you would like to be witnessed in your declaration of words for 2018, please feel free to share them with this community, also in the comments below.

I also invite you to join me in my private Facebook Group, The Mystical Collective where I will be going live over the next few days with some reflections and a meditation to release and call in the New Year.

If you are not already a member, you can join by subscribing to my mailing list. All you need to do is go to my homepage (CLICK HERE) and click on the Start Here button to get yourself signed up.

And so Wise-One, I thank you for being here and I wish you an abundant 2018 filled with grace, ease & reverence.

In service to the unfolding of your inner-journey,

Maria Seraphina

Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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