Bringing You Into Sacred Alignment

As a Shamanic Priestess my sessions pull from a variety of traditions and modalities to bring your system into alignment with the highest expression of wellness.

This is a process of dialoguing with your body, your energy systems (such as your chakras, meridians and aura) and your soul.

I work with my spiritual team to clear out stagnant energetic patterns or disturbances in your body and create new pathways for healing.

I use a combination of touch, channelled sound frequencies (vocals and instruments) and spiritual guidance, often supported by aromatherapy and crystals.

I am a certified Eden Energy Medicine (now called Eden Method) clinical practitioner and have trained in numerous other modalities to bring you a deeply transformative healing experience.

My areas of expertise include clearing disruptive energies, past life interference, emotional and physical trauma, sexual trauma, creating healthy boundaries, how to safely relate with the spirit world, working with the non-ordinary realms and spiritual guides (ancestors, angels, archetypal energies, deities, etc) and light language channelling.

In addition to personal healing, I also offer mentorship to those who are developing their skills in the healing arts.

Click HERE to book a session or 15 minute consultation.

Maria Seraphina

© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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