Over the last several months I have been deepening into my work and feeling into how I want to show up and serve. And as a result I have been stepping out a little bit bigger, a little bit bolder, and sharing my work in a variety of new ways because it feels right and in alignment with my purpose.
I have created marketing materials that I have been using locally reflecting these changes and now I am integrating them into my web presence (as you can see by my new newsletter banner – do I look too green??? Always a work in progress!). I am currently revising my webpage to reflect these changes and if you haven’t checked out my content lately, I invite you to peruse around as I have changed the copy on every page! You can start out by reading My Story.
A couple of months ago I started creating short Energy Tip videos based on Eden Energy Medicine, the modality that I am certified in. I have been posting them to my facebook page and have received great feedback and it has been really fun.
And now I am being more purposeful in how I share and have decided to share these videos directly with you, my community. Each week I will be sending a video to your inbox. These ‘exercises’ are powerful and foundational in creating health, wellness and wholeness.
I hope you enjoy them! The first one will be headed your way shortly.
May you feel Vibrant, Joyful, Connected, Grounded and Free,
Maria 🙂