Have you ever taken a moment to take stock of your daily routine? Do you take the time to make sure your needs are being met and that you are cared for?
Do you even know what I am talking about?
Usually we turn our focus inwards when something isn’t going the way we want it to – when we are sick or injured, suffer from anxiety or overwhelm or totally exhausted.
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…
You can often avoid these things if you just take a moment to listen. Getting sick, totally stressed or exhausted is just the universe’s way of taking us out of the game so that we are forced to listen. And the thing is, it doesn’t bring out the big guns first – first you get a whisper, then you get a tap on the shoulder and well, if you still aren’t listening – WHAP! Out comes the 2×4.
So what’s a busy go-getter, do-gooder career mama like yourself to do??
Read on…
This past weekend I gathered with a group of women and offered my first of a three part yoga-based series called Ignite Your Life.
Our first session was all about kickstarting our day and keeping it humming – and the basis of this practice is to get really familiar with our basic feminine needs.
Our basic feminine needs are our MUST-HAVES to feel great, be energized and excited about life.
They are essential for health and radiance and include: Pleasure, Fun, Self-Care&Nurturing, Community (other women!), Movement, Conscious Eating and Restful Sleep.
If we consistently leave out any of these ingredients we begin to run out of steam and burn out. Life loses its lustre, stress starts to creep in, we get rundown and sick.
Even the smallest task starts to feel like the biggest burden and we no longer have the energy or interest to partake in the things that used to bring us joy. We feel disconnected with our partner, we get easily irritated with our kids and our jobs feel like a slog in the mud.
Any of this sound a little too familiar?
When we pay attention to our basic feminine needs we fill ourselves up and take on reserves so that when we are faced with true stress we are better equipped to handle it. We can do so with grace, resilience and good humour. We have more to give to our selves, our families, our friends and our communities.
When we take care of our basic feminine needs we feel vital, strong, healthy and vibrant. Tweet it!
Imagine having a recipe for feeling this way every day.
As a Soul Shaker Coach, part of my work is to help you come up with your own recipe to create the most kick ass life. Together we examine what is not working for you, where in your life you need a boost (or an overhaul) and what strategies you need to make these changes happen and STICK!
The end results are nothing short of magic.
I am offering $75 off of my mini Soul Shaker Session* (valued at $175) to the first 5 women** who sign up to work with me. For those of you who are local, I will also throw in a free pass to my next Ignite Your Fire session (valued at $40). Not local? No worries, you will get some great bonus goodies too.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!!
* A mini Soul Shaker Session includes 90 minutes of you-focused time to come up with a strategy to create a kickass life
**in order to be eligible, must be subscribed to www.mariakurylo.com
~what others have said about working with me ~
Maria is one of the most warm and nurturing women I know. Earlier this year I was panicking about when I was going to have kids. A huge planner and wanting to be overly prepared for everything, I was feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unclear on how I was going to do it all – be a career woman, a good wife and a mom all at once! Maria uncovered some crazy beliefs I was not aware of that were keeping me stuck, did some amazing energy work with me and gave me concrete action steps to do going forward. Little did I know that I was barely pregnant during our session! Completely unplanned. I think if I hadn’t worked with Maria I would have freaked out when I got the news, but instead it was met with grace, comfort and endless joy. I know exactly who I am going to turn to when I need help balancing it all when this little one is born. I have not encountered a woman who “does it all” so intentionally, with so much gusto and grounding. – Sarah Jenks, founder of LiveMore WeighLess at www.SarahJenks.com
I was in an unknown space within myself and was desperately needing some clarity and guidance from an outside source…someone that wasn’t a part of my inner circle that could give me their unbiased opinion as well as tools I could use that would help me get to a clearer, happier place. The minute Maria spoke I instantly felt at ease! She has this way of making me feel like I am talking to my best-friend that has the best advice ever and she asks the perfect questions to help you see the light of your own path! She has endless compassion, is such a great listener and doesn’t have an ounce of judgment within her. I absolutely love our calls together! I always hang up feeling lighter and excited for the next step of growth and it feels so wonderful to know I have someone in my corner! – Rayna Aldridge, founder of www.emeraldcompasshealing.com