Take the Time to Listen to Your Heart: The Practice of Suni-ai


This word is my anchor.  It means to deeply listen, to pay attention.

What is happening inside of you?  What emotions and sensations are at play?  What are your body, your heart, your energies, your intuition and your guides trying to tell you?  What is really real?


Making the time and space to deeply listen is challenging.  Our life and minds are cluttered with deadlines, to-do lists, expectations, shoulds, judgements and sub-conscious beliefs.  As a result most of the time we live on auto-pilot because it is just too much.
But this isn’t working any more is it?

You feel the stress and you feel the yearning for more (peace, space, quiet, love, meaning,etc).

What is it going to take for you to commit to yourself?

It took me a year of getting sick, one bug and virus after another.  Finally I surrendered and sat in front of my alter – every day for a moon cycle.  Some days I meditated, some days I chanted, some days I danced, some days I journaled and some days I cried.  I followed the wheel of the moon and goddess archetypes from the 13 Moon Mystery Oracle Guide.  

The practice of Suni-ai wasn’t new to me, but until last year I didn’t take it as seriously as I needed to. So my higher wisdom found a way to get my attention and finally I surrendered.

From this practice I began to listen to what I truly needed in order to create solid boundaries and take care of myself.

And now I yearn for this precious practice and make space for it at least 4 times a week.

It is not for me to tell you how to practice suni-ai.  This is my story and what resonated and worked for me.

What I am encouraging you to do is to carve out sacred space on a regular basis so that you can practice the art of deeply listening.  For you it may be a walk or a bath.  It may be journalling or gazing out the window with a cup of tea.  It might be singing, dancing, painting or yoga. Maybe it is asking yourself: ‘What do I need today to feel supported?’  It HAS to be something that draws you in and makes sense to you.

When you make this committed time for yourself, a whole world that is distraction free and authentic begins to open and how you do life will start to shift. It will change your life for the better.

This month I am focusing on Intuition & Trust.  Both start with the art of Suni-ai.  Will you join me?

If you would like some support with this practice and to delve deeper into Suni-ai, here are the ways you can work with me, be inspired and supported:

With love,

Maria 🙂

Meet Maria

My vision is to help you be YOU in the truest sense of the word. I will help you to break the patterns and stories that keep you imprisoned in your smallness and instead create the story that is aligned with your heart + truth.
We do this by reconnecting you with the source of your power: you inner Wisdom-Keeper. This is where you open to and trust your intuition. This is where you can hear your inner voice and discern from a place of knowing. This is the place where you co-create with the divine to create your own heaven AS earth.
And one by one as we awaken and find our own liberation, we also strengthen and heal the collective, empowering and elevating humanity.
I invite you to step into my world of possibility and explore how we can work together to make the deep lasting shifts you desire in your life.
© Maria Kurylo – 2021
Photography by Patrycja Maksalon
Web design:
Jade & Opal

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