Red Robed Priestess






[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23553456″ font_spacing=”2″ font_shadow=”none” line_height=”27″]Three Months, You + Me.[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”2″ font_shadow=”none” line_height=”27″]I’m not going to hand you a magical ‘3-step process’ or offer you some kind of quick fix.

I am not going to promise you that in three months time you will be completely transformed.

Alchemy doesn’t work that way – it is a layered and cyclical process that ebbs and flows.

This process requires time to breakdown, reconfigure, distill & integrate before it is ready to re-emerge and rise from the ashes.

Some pieces will shift lightening fast because like dust in an old rug – you pick it up and shake it out and voila, it looks like new.

But others need more time – you may need to repair strands of that rug or wash out the stains that have been there for years or even perhaps for generations.

Alchemy takes time – it is not just a transformative process, but also an evolutionary one.[/text_block]

My intention is to hold sacred space for you, add the necessary fuel
to your fire and intentionally work with the alchemical process.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”18″ font_font=”Open%20Sans” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ font_spacing=”2″ font_shadow=”none” line_height=”27″]For three months I provide a sacred container for your evolutionary expansion.

This container is like a cauldron – together we cast your intention.

I provide the necessary energetic alchemy & guidance for the transformation process.

While YOU align your focus and actions with your intention.

Together we release the distorted patterns that stand in the way of your intention so that you can fully align with your inner Wisdom-Keeper.

Upon completion what you put into the cauldron may not quite be what you expected.

Alchemy is a delightfully mysterious process.

Instead of creating what you think you want, it brings forth exactly what your soul needs.

In the end you will have cultivated a deeper connection & understanding of self, deepened your spirituality & mystical capacity and have found a vast sense of freedom within.[/text_block]


Our Time Together Includes

Opening Sacred Space
Initial Call to Open Sacred Space + Cast Your Intention

Each Month You Receive
A ‘Your Month Ahead’ Oracle Guidance Reading
An Energetic Alchemy Session
A Spiritual Guidance Call
Access to the New Moon Energetic Activation Gathering
On-going support, guidance + mentorship

Closing Sacred Space
Final Call for Integration + Closing Sacred Space

Ready to Dive In?

Three Month Spiritual & Mystical Mentorship $2750 PURCHASE HERE

Intrigued? Questions?
Let’s set up a virtual tea date.


YOUR mystical + alchemical JOURNEY BEGINS NOW

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AND instantly receive my potent 5 PART Mystical & Alchemical Journey Video Series
straight to your inbox to Awaken + Connect
with your inner Wisdom-Keeper.


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Your mystical + alchemical journey begins now



© 2017 – Maria Kurylo

Web Design by Jade & Opal

Photography by snaphappyottawa.ca

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