Reawakening the Divine Feminine

As much progress as we have made as a collective in the western world around gender equality, there still lingers an undercurrent of misogynistic patterning that holds us back from feeling completely at ease in our skin. And it is up to us as women to re-pattern what keeps us shackled.  Our western society has […]

Take the Time to Listen to Your Heart: The Practice of Suni-ai

Suni-ai. This word is my anchor.  It means to deeply listen, to pay attention. What is happening inside of you?  What emotions and sensations are at play?  What are your body, your heart, your energies, your intuition and your guides trying to tell you?  What is really real? Suni-ai Making the time and space to […]

The Space Between

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, oh my stomach is in knots! As I hold my breath I take a peek and check the balance in my bank account.  In the next room the kids are pounding on each other and fighting because..never mind why, I’ve given up trying to understand. […]

Magical Energy Tip #2: Headache Buster

Tension head aches can really take us down the path of irritability and misery, not to mention entice us to grab for pharmaceuticals that have a depleting effect on our energy systems and are taxing to the liver. Tension headaches often result from physical stress in the shoulders and neck and the lack of oxygen […]

Magical Energy Tip #1: Boost Your Vitality

(Click here for the video) Next time you feel that afternoon slump, before you reach for a coffee, give this a try: Deeply massage or thump the soft spot under either side of the clavicle bone. Do this while breathing deeply for 15 seconds or so.  This stimulates the end points of the Kidney meridian […]

Will You Choose Love Over Fear?

The recent attacks in Paris that have rocked our collective consciousness is yet another wake up call that the status quo is no longer sustainable.  We are being asked to examine our lives, how we live, how we treat ourselves and how we treat others.  We have lived in a contracted state of separation and […]

What are your missing pieces?

What parts of you are still missing?  How can you find them, call them back home and reclaim them? I don’t really have an answer for you – it is a very personal journey. What is ringing through the collective consciousness now is that it is time to take that journey. This morning at my […]

Hello Again & Diving into Divine Feminine

I have been away for some time now.  I have struggled with the pressure have having to blog and inspire and create a list of followers, knowing that this wasn’t truly my purpose. So I have resisted the ‘should’ and ‘have to’ of bogging regularly. I AM here to inspire and teach and to reach many, […]

Pause ~ Breathe ~ Check-in

The other morning I woke up and starting thinking about my day and the to-do list started to accumulate in my mind.  I took a breath and a thought popped into my head. What do I need to feel supported today? Not, what do I need to tackle first, not how am I going to […]

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